t2.bmp (300054 bytes) 

  • Cherry Dump Cake


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F


  • 1 can cherry pie filling
    1 can crushed pineapple
    1 box yellow cake mix
    2 sticks of melted butter
    1 cup shredded coconut
    ¾ cup chopped pecans



    Dump the following ingredients into an ungreased ungreased 13” x 7” baking pan }1 can Cherry pie filling
    1 can Crushed pineapple}
    Sprinkle the dry cake mix over all
    Pour melted butter over the cake mix
    Evenly sprinkle the pecans
    Evenly sprinkle the coconut
    Bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour or until golden brown on top


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